Anti-aging Treatments with Oxygen Therapy at Bar Gain Fame Thanks to the Adhesion of Celebrities

oxygen bar Dubai

For many women in Dubai, the quest for youth has become something as necessary as the air they breathe. The novelty is that, now, oxygen therapy at oxygen bar Dubai has become the protagonist of beauty treatments, with promises of reaching the much desired lush skin. Who is calling attention to them are celebrities who claim to be adept, among them Madonna, Jennifer Lopez and others. For dermatologists, it's still early to ensure the anti-aging effects, but they highlight the moisturizing and potentiating power of oxygen therapy at Health Call, an oxygen bar.

The gas frenzy increased in recent years. During a Paris tour, singer Madonna was spotted by paparazzi as she left the hotel followed by one of her helpers carrying an Australian oxygen therapy machine. Yes, one of those million-dollar gadgets can be seen in dermatological offices. The popstar has one for them, which apparently takes her wherever she goes.

What happens is that over the years, oxygen levels decrease in our body and the consequence is aging. With such a machine, the person receives directly on the skin a high concentration of oxygen, close to 95% (the air we breathe has only 21%). Along with this process, a serum is applied, which contains particles of hyaluronic acid and some vitamins, such as A, C and E. The promise is a more luminous and rested face.

Dermatologist at Health Call, an oxygen bar Dubai, explains that when we inhale toxic agents from the air, such as pollution, cigarette smoke, etc., we generate cellular stress and a release of free radicals that impair the cellular functioning of the whole body.

"With oxygen therapy, oxygen would be returned to the body, and the cells would regenerate," the dermatologist explains.

But despite research with reports from those who have already tried, there is still no scientific study confirming the rejuvenating power highlighted, often by manufacturers and clinics. That is why most doctors approach the issue with caution. The dermatologist further clarifies that today, in fact, there is a lot of talk about cell stress and how it causes a decrease in the oxygenation of the skin. And there is no doubt that less oxygen leads to increased cell wear.

"What is not proven is that short and sporadic oxygen therapy applications at oxygen bar Dubai would be effective in reversing such attrition," he explains.

This treatment has an interesting effect on the improvement of skin hydration. In addition, it has the power to increase the absorption of substances. For this very reason, it is usually associated with assets such as hyaluronic acid. The doctors do not prescribe the treatment, but confesses that they love - and use - a cosmetic that contains oxygen (yes, that also exists!)

Here, it is more common to find treatments based on the "gas of fashion" in oxygen bars in Dubai. At Health Call, O2 is designed directly on the skin, with a high pressure, thanks to the hyperbaric chamber. The treatment, painless, does not leave marks and is further enhanced with the application of oxygen spray, mixed with actives, and a facial cream after the sessions.

How about a tub filled with oxygen? It's another way to bet on the power of gas. It consists of adding ozonated air, a mixture of oxygen and ozone, under pressure, into the water of a bathtub, in amounts and concentrations that may vary according to the treatment. The appearance is of a tub full of bubbles. Such a bath is recommended for situations in which the person presents physical exhaustion, fatigue and insomnia and for circulatory problems.


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