The Essential Child Health Checkup Exams and Doctors on Call in Dubai

Doctors on call Dubai
Doctors on call Dubai

When we talk about a healthy, happy and well-cared child, we hardly think of periodic visits of Doctors on call Dubai. We ended up, for the most part, focusing more on good education and balanced nutrition, for example.

However, child health check-up is critical to ensuring proper development for our children. Unless children are sick, many parents avoid taking them to the Doctor or considering Doctors on call Dubai, unfortunately, which can cause problems in the long run.

Frequent consultations and routine exams help doctors at Health Call in Dubai understand how the general health of young children is. This ensures the verification that everything is within normal and also the early diagnosis of problems, whose chances of cure may be greater.

Want to know more about it? Continue reading and find out what the recommended frequency is and what are the top exams done at a child check-up. Good reading!

What is the recommended frequency for children's health check-up?
In routine consultations with trusted Doctors on call Dubai, the physical condition of the child will be thoroughly evaluated. The Doctors on call offered at Health Call in Dubai will collect her vital signs, such as temperature and heart rate, make weight and height measurements, and perform a thorough inspection.

However, in general terms, pediatric consultation is recommended with the following regularity:

·         0 to 6 months: monthly;
·         6 to 12 months: bimonthly;
·         1 to 2 years: quarterly;
·         2 to 5 years: semester;
·         From the age of 5: annual.

What are the most requested exams?
After going through one of the first tests - the famous test of the foot (neonatal screening) - the child will face, in his routine checks, practically the same procedures as an adult. Among them are:

Stool analysis
It is a common clinical analysis, sometimes difficult to collect the sample, because some children are intimidated by the situation. Despite this, it is an extremely important check, to determine the presence - or not - of parasites, abnormal mucus and occult blood in the feces, among other symptoms.

Urine analysis
Urinalysis has several functions: to evaluate significant changes in the appearance of urine, to identify the presence of bacteria and infections, and to quantify the loss of protein or level of renal changes that may come to the individual.

Blood count
We know that blood collection is the terror of most of the little ones. Unfortunately, it is indispensable: it points out signs of anemia, can diagnose infections by means of the number of leukocytes (defense cells) and counts platelets, which aid in blood clotting.

Glycemia and insulin
Childhood diabetes is a real problem, which has been worrying many experts around the world. Therefore, glucose and insulin tests are important to know if everything is right with your child.

Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Some children, especially those with a family history of heart or cholesterol-related problems, will need to measure these rates. If the results show changes, the problem can be solved early to avoid complications.

Thyroid and renal functions
These are rates assessed by a blood sample, which determine if there is an increase and urea levels in the case of renal function, and the rates of T3 and T4, thyroid gland hormones.

As you can see, the importance of child health check-ups by Doctors on call Dubai is immeasurable as it provides healthy, trouble-free adolescence and adult life!


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