Tips to Cure Injuries - Health is Vital

Doctors on call in Dubai
Doctors on call in Dubai

He stumbled, hit, hurt. Sports injuries are not exclusive to professional athletes. Any individual who moves the body with certain regularity is more subject to muscle twisting or stretching. Simply forcing the body beyond the count or performing some wrong movements during the workout can cause problems. When this type of accident occurs, some people prefer Doctors on call in Dubai offered by Health Call in Dubai rather than going to the clinic. Calling a Doctor at home is a developing trend all over Dubai. It is a faster and affordable way of health care in case of any sport injury and more convenient.

Experts from Harvard University in the United States have come up with a five-step recommendation to treat this type of injury in the so-called acute phase, that is, within the first 48 hours. The strategy to end the pain includes the phases such as protect the area, cool, compress, rest and raise the sore limb. However, if even with the immediate treatment the discomfort persists, it is most advisable that you seek the assistance of Doctors on call in Dubai at home, office or hotel capable of assessing and treating the injuries.

The type and intensity of the injuries will depend on the individual and also on the type of physical exercise that they practice. The concussion is the simplest of problems. Because it results from shocks, contact sports practitioners are more likely to suffer from it. Their degrees - mild, moderate or severe - are linked to bumping. Sprains happen when the movement in a joint exceeds the limits of the body. In more severe cases, joint displacement can occur, which causes rupture of the ligaments or tendons. Knees and ankles are the favorite targets.

Muscle distension, also called stretching, is usually caused by too much physical exertion that leads to muscle fiber rupture. It is quite common in football players, volleyball players and runners. Tendonitis, on the other hand, is an inflammatory response to a minor trauma to a tendon. Sportsmen who force their jumping or kicking muscles often experience it frequently. Lastly, there are the popular cramps, which are not necessarily injuries. In fact, it's a kind of flagging that something is wrong. The cramp arises due to the accumulation of lactic acid, a substance produced by the contraction of muscles. It accuses, well, a picture of muscular fatigue.

This entire painful episode can be prevented without a tear being shed. It is enough that you have a good physique; maintain a weekly routine of workouts, intercalating bodybuilding and aerobic activities like running and walking. In this way, muscles, accustomed to heavier and heavier loads, can eliminate lactic acid quickly. "If exercise is not practiced frequently, the body takes more time to eliminate this substance, which increases muscle fatigue and contributes to the occurrence of injuries," explains one of the Doctors on call in Dubai available at Health Call providing services all over Dubai. Preparation, however, is what is often missing from the so-called weekend athletes. "That's why they are usually at greater risk of getting injured," he said.

Stretching and warming up are necessary processes that need to be practiced by any sportsman. The stretches and pulls, usually practiced before and after the exercise or sport, prepares the muscles for intense activity. "By stretching the muscles, you increase flexibility and muscle work, which strengthens joints," explains physical education expert at Health Call. Deep down, you have to respect the limits of the body and take time in the exercises to avoid any painful setback.


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